Dunki, a movie starring Shah Rukh Khan, has made a total of Rs. 382 crore at the worldwide box office. It earned USD 500K overseas yesterday, bringing its total international earnings to USD 18.55 million (Rs. 155 crore) in thirteen days since it came out. In India, it collected Rs. 227 crore. Even though it’s a good amount for a Bollywood film internationally, it’s less than Shah Rukh Khan’s previous movies, which made nearly USD 50 million each last year.
The film is about illegal immigration and returning home. It should have been popular with diasporic audiences, especially during the Christmas-New Year release period. However, Dunki’s performance overseas has been disappointing. It did well in Germany, Bangladesh, Canada, and Australia, where Khan is influential or has a strong Punjabi connection. But in the Middle East, one of Khan’s usually strong markets, it could have done better, possibly due to the film’s genre and the historical underperformance of similar films in that region.
The United States and the United Kingdom did decently, but it could have been better in the U.S. if it hadn’t clashed with Salaar. Despite some positives, overall, Dunki’s overseas box office results could be better.