Janhvi Kapoor recently praised Rashmika Mandanna for speaking out against fake pictures that were made to look natural. Janhvi shared that she had seen fake images of herself when she was 15. If you want to know the whole story, keep reading!
A few months ago, people were shocked by fake videos of Rashmika Mandanna, Alia Bhatt, and other famous stars. Rashmika, from the movie “Animal,” was upset and strongly disapproved of the fake videos.
In a recent interview, Janhvi Kapoor talked about how she saw fake pictures of herself when she was young. She said nothing then because she feared people might think she just wanted attention.
Janhvi Kapoor revealed being apologetic for her origins
Janhvi Kapoor, who often shares her thoughts, recently talked about how fake pictures of her affected her as a teenager. In an interview with Film Companion, she praised Rashmika Mandanna for standing up for those who have been mistreated. Janhvi mentioned that she has been careful about what she says because of where she comes from. She feels unsure about her background and has always thought that people face more significant challenges.
Janhvi admitted that she used to downplay her problems, thinking they weren’t significant compared to others. This kept her quiet about her feelings and needs, as she didn’t want to seem demanding.
Janhvi Kapoor lauds Rashmika Mandanna for condemning deepfake images
While talking, she admitted she didn’t know she could speak out against fake pictures of herself. She said, “I didn’t know I could say anything. I appreciate Rashmika for speaking up.”
Janhvi remembered seeing fake pictures of herself when she was 15 and thought it was typical for famous people. She felt she couldn’t complain because it might seem like she wanted attention. Janhvi has learned to accept herself and knows she’s in a good position because of her background. But she also feels she must make the most of her opportunities, especially for her late mother, Sridevi.