About Homestead
“Homestead” is a new movie coming out soon in America. It’s a post-apocalyptic drama film directed by Ben Smallbone. The story was written by Phillip Abraham, Leah Bateman, and Jason Ross. The movie features a cast including Neal McDonough, Dawn Olivieri, Currie Graham, Susan Misner, Bailey Chase, Jesse Hutch, Kevin Lawson, Kearran Giovanni, Tyler Lofton, Olivia Sanabia, Grace Powell, and Caden Dragomer.
The movie is based on a book called “Black Autumn” by Jeff Kirkham and Jason Ross.
You can watch “Homestead” in theaters in the United States starting on December 20, 2024.
- Neal McDonough
- Dawn Olivieri
- Currie Graham
- Susan Misner
- Bailey Chase
- Jesse Hutch
- Kevin Lawson
- Kearran Giovanni
- Tyler Lofton
- Olivia Sanabia
- Grace Powell
- Caden Dragomer
In January 2024, Angel Studios said they finished filming a movie called Homestead. The movie is a post-apocalyptic drama. Ben Smallbone directed it. Phillip Abraham, Leah Bateman, and Jason Ross wrote the story.
The movie stars several actors. Neal McDonough, Dawn Olivieri, Currie Graham, Susan Misner, Bailey Chase, Jesse Hutch, Kevin Lawson, Kearran Giovanni, Tyler Lofton, Olivia Sanabia, Grace Powell, and Caden Dragomer are the main actors in the movie.
Filming started on August 7, 2023, in Salt Lake City.
Homestead is set to come out in the United States on December 20, 2024.
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