About Spellbound
“Spellbound” is a new American animated musical fantasy movie directed by Vicky Jenson and written by Julia Miranda, Lauren Hynek, and Elizabeth Martin. The music is by Alan Menken, who also wrote the songs with Glenn Slater. Made by Skydance Animation, the movie features voices from Rachel Zegler, Nicole Kidman, Javier Bardem, Tituss Burgess, John Lithgow, Jenifer Lewis, and Nathan Lane. The story is set in a magical world called Lumbria and follows Princess Ellian (voiced by Zegler), a young girl who must break a spell that has divided her kingdom.
The project was first called “Split” and was announced in July 2017. Paramount Pictures planned to release it in 2019. Over time, the film had changes in its release dates and titles, becoming “The Unbreakable Spell” before getting its final name, “Spellbound.” Apple TV+ bought the film in December 2020, but Netflix took over in October 2023. Most of the main voice actors joined in June 2022, after Zegler was cast in April 2022. The movie was made remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Spellbound” is set to release on November 22, 2024, on Netflix.
Premise of Spellbound
The story takes place in a magical world called Lumbria. A young girl named Ellian has to break a spell that has divided her kingdom into two parts.
Voice cast of Spellbound
- Rachel Zegler as Princess Ellian
- Nicole Kidman as Queen Ellsmere
- Javier Bardem as King Solon
- John Lithgow as Minister Bolinar
- Jenifer Lewis as Minister Nazara Prone
- Nathan Lane as The Oracle of the Sun
- André De Shields as The Oracle of the Moon
- Jordan Fisher as Callan
Additionally, Tituss Burgess has been cast in an undisclosed role.
Production of Spellbound
In March 2017, Skydance Media teamed up with Ilion Animation Studios from Madrid to create a new animation division called Skydance Animation. In July, Skydance announced a movie called Split, written by Linda Woolverton, and it was set to be released by Paramount Pictures in 2019. However, after John Lasseter joined Skydance Animation, Paramount Animation decided to stop working with Skydance.
In April 2020, composer Alan Menken said he was working on the project, which was renamed The Unbreakable Spell, and then changed to Spellbound. The movie would be directed by Vicky Jenson with a script by Lauren Hynek, Elizabeth Martin, and Woolverton. Menken and Glenn Slater would write the songs. In July 2020, it was announced that Paramount Pictures would still release Spellbound, but in December 2020, Apple TV+ bought the rights to distribute it. Apple Original Films took over production.
In October 2023, Skydance Animation ended its deal with Apple and signed a new deal with Netflix, which would now release Spellbound. In February 2024, it was revealed that Julia Miranda replaced Woolverton as the screenwriter, while Woolverton became an executive producer.
In April 2022, Rachel Zegler was chosen to play the main character. In June, Nicole Kidman, Javier Bardem, John Lithgow, Nathan Lane, Jenifer Lewis, André De Shields, and Jordan Fisher joined the cast. In June 2023, Tituss Burgess also joined the cast.
Skydance Animation Madrid created the animation, and some of the work was done remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Marketing of Spellbound
In March 2022, it was announced that Skydance Animation signed a long-term agreement with Spin Master Entertainment to create toys based on the film.
Release of Spellbound
In March 2017, it was announced that the film was originally planned to come out in 2019. Then, on July 20, 2020, Paramount Pictures set the release date for November 11, 2022. Later, on December 16, 2020, Apple TV+ started discussions to take over the distribution and keep the November 11 date. However, the film missed this release date for unknown reasons.
A preview of the film was shown at the 2023 Annecy International Animation Film Festival in June by Jenson and head of story Brian Pimental. Soon after, they announced the film would be released in 2024. In October, Netflix took over the distribution rights from Apple as part of a new deal with Skydance Animation and kept the 2024 release. In June 2024, Netflix announced that the film will premiere on November 22, 2024.
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