Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas celebrated the New Year in Cabo, Mexico, with Priyanka’s mom, Madhu Chopra. They wore fun ‘Happy New Year’ glasses. A video shows them having a good time, along with Nick’s brothers Joe and Kevin Jonas. Kevin later posted happy pictures with his wife, Danielle, stylishly welcoming 2024.
Even though it’s 2024, Bollywood stars are still celebrating in unique ways. Priyanka and Nick began the year in Cabo, and a video online shows them in cool glasses, with Priyanka in green and Nick in a lovely blue outfit.
Madhu Chopra, Priyanka’s mom, was there too, dressed in black sequins. The video also includes Nick’s brothers, Joe and Kevin Jonas. Kevin shared two pictures from the celebration with Danielle, both showing the festive vibe. His caption says “2024” with firework emojis, capturing the joyful start of the new year.