Nitesh Tiwari and his team are talking to Lara Dutta to play the role of Princess Kaikeyi in the movie Ramayana. They are also in discussions with Sunny Deol to play the character of Lord Hanuman. Pinkvilla has been giving updates on the Nitesh Tiwari-directed Ramayana, which stars Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, and Yash. The movie is set to start filming in March 2024, with Ranbir as Lord Ram, Sai as Sita, and Yash as Ravan, who will join in July 2024. The filmmakers are now working hard to finalize the cast for this epic movie.
Lara Dutta to play Kaikeyi in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana
Nitesh Tiwari and his team are talking to Lara Dutta about playing the role of Princess Kaikeyi in the movie Ramayana. They believe she is the right fit for this important character in the timeless Indian story. Princess Kaikeyi’s role is crucial, leading to a significant conflict in Ramayana. Lara Dutta is excited to be part of Nitesh Tiwari’s fantastical world.
The Ramayana movie is planned to be a trilogy, and Lara will have a significant role in the first part. She is expected to start filming with Ranbir Kapoor in March. While they are working on casting for other characters, there’s interest in having Bobby Deol play the role of Kumbhkaran. However, they are still waiting to hear back from Bobby Deol. He is currently busy with many offers after the success of his film Animal. As he evaluates his options, Bobby will decide whether to join Ramayana in the next two months.
Sunny Deol in the advanced stages of discussion for Ramayana
Right now, the Ramayana team is talking to Sunny Deol about playing the role of Lord Hanuman. They’re in the final stages of discussing it but still need to sign the agreement. Nitesh Tiwari and even Ranbir Kapoor want Sunny Deol for this vital role. It’s a character that will be remembered in Indian history, like how Dara Singh was known for it. We’ll know if Sunny Deol will join in the next 20 days.
If everything goes well, Sunny Deol and Yash will make a short appearance in the first part of Ramayana. They will play lead roles in the second and third parts, joining the team around July 2024. The special effects for Ramayana are being done by the Oscar-winning company DNEG, and the movie is set to come out in the second half of 2025. Keep checking Pinkvilla for more updates about the cast of Ramayana.