Kiara Advani recently shared her thoughts on Instagram about the new trailer for a show called “Indian Police Force,” directed by Rohit Shetty. The show features actors Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, and Vivek Oberoi. The trailer has been highly anticipated, and since it was released, it has been making waves on the internet. People praise the trailer, and even Kiara Advani, Sidharth Malhotra’s special someone, couldn’t contain her excitement about it.
Kiara Advani reacts to Rohit Shetty’s Indian Police Force starring Sidharth Malhotra
Today, December 5, the trailer for a new web show called Indian Police Force was released. People were excited about it. In the trailer, the main three actors look solid and calm. Many people are saying nice things about the show. Sidharth Malhotra’s wife, Kiara Advani, shared the trailer on her Instagram and said, “My Delhi guy (with heart-eye emoji).”
About the trailer of Indian Police Force
Rohit Shetty, known for making exciting Singham movies, is now making a new show for online streaming (OTT). It’s full of solid action and is about the Indian Police Force. The preview, released some time ago, promises to be thrilling, with powerful conversations and lots of action. The main actors are Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, and Vivek Oberoi.
The story is about three police officers in Delhi who are fighting against strong criminals. The preview shows typical Rohit Shetty moments with cars crashing, flying in the air, and guns shooting. So, once again, Singham’s director has excited people to watch it.
About Indian Police Force
The Indian Police Force is a new web show by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash. This is the first time Rohit Shetty is making a show for online streaming. The show has actors like Isha Talwar, Nikitin Dheer, Shweta Tiwari, and Sharad Kelkar, along with the main three actors, in important roles.
You can watch the show on Amazon Prime Video starting January 19, 2024. Many people are talking about the show because of its trailers and promotions.